Our app guides you so you can guide them.

The act of choosing how we would like to engage with the healthcare system at end-of-life empowers us to make hard medical decisions. The Lifetrend Advance Care Planning (ACP) app is a human-centered approach that offers you and your clients a safe entry into what has typically been a difficult conversation - if it happened at all.

Our ACP begins by identifying clients' goals and values. They select from a set of general statements which reflect a range of attitudes about healthcare. The app then presents 15 medical decisions that are pre-answered based on the value statement they select. Clients can override any of the pre-set answers at any time. Finally, per state laws, they and their witnesses sign the document - directly on the iPad. Once signed, the document becomes legally binding, is securely stored on our servers, and will be made available to the right people at the right time in the right format. The document can be retrieved in a variety of ways: PDF printouts, wallet cards with a QR code readable by an EMT, through a hospital EMR interface, or on the person’s own mobile device. 

CMS proposes a rule change.

We’ve all known that end-of-life conversations result in dramatic reduction of pain and suffering for the individual and their loved ones. And now CMS is taking action to place a real value on the process with a proposed rule change: “Revisions to Payment Policies under the Physician Fee Schedule and Other Revisions to Part B for CY 2016” to reimburse physicians under CPT codes 99497 and 99498. The need for this is profound, demonstrated by simple evidence: 70% of Americans say they want to die at home (2000 CNN/Time poll), but only 25% do die at home (2005 CDC study). Hospitalizations and aggressive procedures among the terminally ill are rising (2005 Dartmouth Atlas of Care). This is frequently driven by snap decisions made in the heat of the moment which often contradict a patient's desires. We at Lifetrend, you, and now CMS can help Americans receive the care they want and avoid the procedures they don’t. Learn more here.

ACP is available to the right people at the right time.

Document distribution is kept up-to-date for all concerned: health care proxies, family members, loved ones, primary care providers, case workers, hospice centers, assisted care facilities, etc. Clients have complete control over who can access their wishes. And if they make changes without you, you'll be notified immediately. Lifetrend is vigilant about the “health and integrity” of the entire system with 24/7 monitoring. This ensures everyone on the care team has the latest legal document. And our documents have been carefully designed to be clearly understood within seconds, especially when those seconds count. 

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For more information about integrating Lifetrend into your practice,
please call Lifetrend at 917-244-3607 or send an email to joel@lifetrend.us

It’s an easy call to make.